Trees & Shrubs
Annuals & Tropicals

Frequently Asked Questions - General



Are you open year-round? What are your hours?
No, we are not open year-round! We typically close in the middle of December and re-open March 1st (weather permitting of course). We are typically open every day during the season. Our hours do vary throughout the year, we could close as early as 4pm and as late as 6pm. We will also close early due to severe weather so please keep an eye out on our social media for updates!
Do you sell sod or bulk materials?
We do not sell sod or bulk materials such as mulch and landscaping rock.
Can I place an order for a plant?
We do not do special orders, however, we can put you on a wish list. Depending on what's available from our suppliers and if we are able to get it in stock we will call you to let you know it is available.
Do you have your inventory on your website?
We do not have our inventory on our website as our stock changes very rapidly.
Do you do consultations?
We do not do formal consultations, however, our staff is generally available to answer questions if you come by. Please bring pictures, drawings or notes of what you’re thinking, so we can help you with your idea. Please keep in mind, there are times throughout the year where we may have very limited amounts of time to spend on these types questions. Another good recommendation is The Home Grown Resource Group. Please visit their website for more information!
Do you do delivery?
Yes! Please see our Services page for details!
Do you do installations?
We do not do installations, however, we do have recommendations for local companies at the front desk. One reliable recommendation is The Home Grown Resource Group. Please visit their website for more information!
Do you do holds on products?
If the product is paid for, we can hold it up to one week. If the product is not paid for, we can hold it up to 24 hours. This may vary depending on the season, particularly the spring season!
What is your warranty policy?
Trees and shrubs that are hardy to our zone are covered one time at 50% up to 6 months from the point-of-purchase. If purchased from us with root stimulator, our trees & shrubs are covered at 50% for up to one year from the point-of-purchase. Items not covered are Tropicals, Annuals, Perennials, Houseplants, Edibles (except for fruiting trees), and Natives (except trees/shrubs). Discounts void the warranty. Store credit only. Must have the receipt and a picture of the plant.

What is your Return/Exchange policy?
All live plant material can be returned within 24 hours, receipt required! No returns on dead plants. Non-plant material can be exchanged within 7 days, receipt required. Products must be unopened and in original condition.

I have deer, what do I need to know?
We cannot guarantee what deer decide to mess with! Unfortunately, deer-proof plants do not exist. With that said, we do have options in all departments that are less desirable to deer. We also sell products that help to deter deer, such as sprays and tree guards.

When is the best time to plant?
In St. Louis we can plant spring through the fall. Spring and fall are two seasons that are generally recommended  as being the best for planting because the plant has the best chance at establishing before the summer and winter. What to watch out for in the spring is the ground being frozen (which may push planting back) and late frosts and freezes (have a plan ready to protect sensitive plantings with frost cloth or moving stuff to the garage). In the summer the trick is to keep up on watering, extended periods of hot and dry can stress out new plantings. The fall season can start as early as the end of August to get the most out of your plantings before the winter. Remember to keep an eye on watering when the forecast is hot and dry. Late fall is the time to get things buttoned up for the winter.

Frequently Asked Questions - Perennials



What is the difference between a native and cultivar?
A native plant occurs naturally prior to European settlement. A cultivar is a plant that has been bred for a specific trait.
When is the best selection of Perennials?
The best selection of perennials is typically spring and summer. Inventory and timing always depends on our suppliers, but we might start seeing perennials arrive in early March and may continue to get restocked through early fall.
When are Ornamental Grasses available to purchase?
Most ornamental grasses are warm season grasses which are in stock closer to May or June.
Do you have plants that the deer won’t eat?
We do carry plants that are less preferable to deer.  Look for our Deer Free Zone in the perennial department.  Check out our Deer Free pamphlet located in the store and on the Resources Page of our website.
How much or how often should I water after planting?
Many variables impact watering needs.  However, the best practice is to water deeply (to 5-6 inches below soil line) once a week. This helps promote deep roots.
Where can I find more information on a plant?
The Missouri Botanical Garden’s ‘Plant Finder’ is an excellent resource for plant information.  It allows you to search by name, characteristics, environmental needs, or care requirements.
I’m interested in adding some Missouri native plants to my landscape.  Where do I start?
Check out our native plant guide compiled by our Missouri native plants department manager.  It suggests plants for a variety of soil conditions and functional garden spaces. The ‘Grow Native’ website also has an easy-to-use search to help you research plants that would be best for site.

Frequently Asked Questions - Natives



I’m interested in adding some Missouri native plants to my landscape.  Where do I start?
Check out our native plant guide compiled by our Missouri native plants department manager.  It suggests plants for a variety of soil conditions and functional garden spaces. The ‘Grow Native’ website also has an easy-to-use search to help you research plants that would be best for site.
When is the best selection of Natives?
The best selection of natives is typically spring and summer. Inventory and timing always depends on our suppliers, but we might start seeing natives arrive in early March and may continue to get restocked through the fall.
What are Natives and why aren't they in the same department as perennials if they're just as hardy?
A native plant occurs naturally in a particular area and is able to adapt to its environment. Whereas, humans have had involvement with non-native plants (i.e. cultivars being bred for a specific trait). Our perennials and natives occupy different departments because of this difference even though both are generally hardy and do well in the St. Louis area.
What is a pollinator plant and why are they important?
These plants help to support pollinator populations by incorporating Missouri natives back into our landscape. These plants are the champions of wildlife gardening, as they attract beneficial wild life while adding beauty and function to our outdoor spaces.
Why does my native plant look dead?
Many natives have dormant periods in the early spring, late fall and winter. Don't worry about the plant until you still don't see any action once the weather stays consistently warm.

Frequently Asked Questions - Trees & Shrubs



What is Root Stimulator?
Root Stimulator is product available for purchase at checkout that helps to establish root growth in a new planting. It is recommended for all new plantings and even mature plantings that may need a boost. When purchased with our trees and shrubs, they are then covered under the warranty for up to 1 year at 50% one-time store credit. This product may be sold as liquid concentrate or granular. Please follow the directions on the packaging! A good rule of thumb for the liquid concentrate is to dilute 3.5 tablespoons of it with a gallon of water and each tree/shrub gets a gallon mixture. Once they are planted, water this solution in around the dripline. Granular root stimulator is typically mixed into the soil that will be next to the roots.
Do you install the Trees & Shrubs that you sell?
No, Greenscape Gardens does not do landscaping or installations. Our recommendation is The Home Grown Resource Group. Please visit their website for more information!
When is the best selection of Trees & Shrubs?
Generally, spring and fall are the best times of the year to find a large variety of trees/shrubs! Inventory and timing always depends on our suppliers and availability. With that said, lots of good options are available throughout our entire season (March-December).
When is a good time to plant?
Generally, we say spring and fall are the best times to plant because the weather and soil temperatures tend to be decent for the plant and watering is easier to maintain. With that said, you can plant just about any time as long as the soil is still workable and you are able to properly manage the watering needs of the plant.
How should new trees & shrubs be planted?
Make sure the area is clear to dig in, call 1-800-DIG-RITE. or go online to Once the area is clear to dig in, you generally need to dig a hole twice the width of the pot but not quite as deep as the pot that it comes in. Break up any clumps in the soil and mix compost into the soil that you are going to fill the hole with. This adds more nutrients. Loosen the roots of the potted plant and make sure it sits 1-2 inches higher in the hole (and even a smidge higher for pines and spruces). Be sure to remove all roping and loosen/cut away any unnecessary burlap from the trunk of the plant. Make sure to use root stimulator during the first watering (please follow dosing instructions). Check out our Tree Planting Guide for tips and tricks!
How often do we water new plantings?
Avoid letting them dry out and monitor soil moisture at least twice a week. Some plants require more water than others (evergreens typically require less than deciduous plants). One of the worst things you can do is go on vacation right after trees/shrubs were just planted. The first 6-12 months for a new planting is when the plant is its most sensitive. Double check with us before you make your purchase! Check out our Tree Planting Guide for tips and tricks!

Frequently Asked Questions - Annuals & Tropicals



When will you have the best selection of Annuals and Tropicals?
Typically, prime time for this department is in April and May, however, as long as we have the inventory, we have product in this department spring thru fall.
Do you carry a wide variety of Annuals & Tropicals?
Yes, we do! The entire north side of the property, closest to Dougherty Ferry Road, houses the Annual and Tropical department.
How much sun do full sun Annuals actually need?
Ideally, full sun plants need 8+ hours of sun per day or as many hours as possible. Look for areas in your yard with minimal trees on the south and/or west side of your property for optimal lighting.
How often do Annuals & Tropicals need to be watered?
These plants need to be checked every day. Stick your finger deep into the soil to check for moisture. Only water when the soil is dry to the touch. If the weather has been hot and dry watering may need to happen more frequently compared to when it's cold and wet. Plants in pots tend to dry out faster than plants in the ground. Check the soil every day before getting that watering can out. Double check with us before you make your purchase!
Do you carry shade options? And how do you care for these?
Yes, we carry many shade options. These plants prefer less than 4 hours of sun, ideally either early morning or late day exposure. Besides making sure they don't get too much light, it is also important that they don't get too much water. Check the soil before watering.
What's the lowest temperature that Annuals& Tropicals can tolerate in St. Louis?
Generally, 50 degrees Fahrenheit is considered the lowest, below that temperature the plants start struggling.

Frequently Asked Questions - Houseplants



When will you have the best selection of Houseplants?
We carry houseplants from March to December. Typically, we bring in a fresh batch for the beginning of the season in March and there may be a couple other times throughout the year when we refresh the stock.
Do you offer repotting services?
Yes, repotting is typically available during the week and during non-peak times of the year (i.e. Mon-Fri and June-Dec). There may be a service charge for repotting your plant. There is also a possibility that we may not be able to repot your plant due to a risk of damaging it depending on its condition.
Do you carry rare Houseplants?
Every now and then we may find something really neat to bring in. Inventory changes very rapidly all throughout the year so come by often to check things out.
Do you carry any Houseplants that can live outside in the winter?
Generally speaking we do not! There may be times where hardy plants may be found in the houseplant section, but that's typically to highlight a feature of the plant (i.e. unique flowers).
Can Houseplants go outside at all?
Yes, many of our houseplants can go outside in the warm summer months. Just pay attention to the lighting and watering needs of the plant. Then, remember to bring them inside once the weather starts dipping below 50 degrees.
What plant should I get and how to take care of it?
What plant you should get depends on you and your preferences. It also depends on where you are thinking of putting it and what kind of conditions it will see. Things to have in mind when you come in to talk to us is how much light it will see, do you have pets, and do you want it to go outside at all? As far as taking care of it, generally houseplants need water once a week. Check the soil before watering. Double check with us before you make your purchase!

Frequently Asked Questions - Edibles



When will you have the best selection of Edibles?
Prime time for cool season edibles is March into April, however, we typically see some products in the fall. For warm season edibles, like tomatoes and peppers, typically prime time is April thru June.
Do you carry fruit trees?
Yes we do! Generally, you will find the best inventory in the spring.
Do you carry unique Edibles?
Yes, we try to find unusual edibles. Procuring these can be tricky, so we won't know for sure what we will have until it's here, so swing by often.
When is the best time to plant Edibles?
Click HERE to check out the Seed St. Louis Planting calendar. This calendar gives us a good idea of when to get things going. Remember, this calendar is just a general guideline for this area, the weather is always unpredictable.
How often should Edibles be watered?
Generally, outdoor edibles can be watered twice a week but make sure to check the soil before watering. Many of these plants would prefer to be slightly dry than too wet. Many of the issues that people run into with edibles is generally pests and diseases, which is often caused by an overwatering situation. Double check with us before you make your purchase!